The Board

The New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame board is dedicated to honoring the best athletes and athletic contributors in New Mexico.

Our Board

Meet the driving force behind the New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame—our dedicated Board of Directors. Comprising individuals who are deeply passionate about sports and the impact it has on communities, our Board works tirelessly to ensure the Hall of Fame remains a beacon of excellence and inspiration. They are responsible for the rigorous selection process that inducts worthy athletes, coaches, and contributors into the Hall of Fame, bestowing upon them the honor and recognition they deserve.

The Board also plays a pivotal role in community engagement, taking it upon themselves to select the charities and scholarships that the Hall of Fame will support each year. This commitment goes beyond mere recognition; it delves into creating meaningful change in New Mexico by directing proceeds from our events to deserving causes. It’s a labor of love, rooted in the belief that sports can be a force for good in society.

We invite you to get to know our Board members and the incredible work they do. As we strive to honor athletic excellence and contribute to New Mexico’s community, your support becomes invaluable. By attending our events or making a donation, you’re empowering us to continue our mission and make a lasting impact on both the sporting world and the community at large. Please consider supporting the Hall of Fame today.

Marty Saiz

Marty Saiz


April Chavez-Geissler

April Chavez-Geissler



Shelly Barker


Tom Manning

Tom Manning



Mahlon Love

Lifetime Board Member

Gary Allen

Gary Allen

Jimmy Abreu

Dr. Jimmy Abreu

Michael Abreu

Michael Abreu


Justice Joseph F. Baca


Frank Castillo

Amy Warner-Fankam

Amy Warner-Fankam


Russell Goff

Karen Honeycutt

Karen Honeycutt


Dick Johnson

John Houser

John Houser

Gale Lovato

Gale Lovato

Ed Manzanares

Ed Manzanares

Ed Muller

Ed Muller

George Perea

George Perea

Paula Schwartz

Paula Schwartz


Henry Tafoya